Sivers IMA announces a 5G millimeter wave partnership with a leading European provider of licensed point-to-multipoint broadband networks (PMP) microwave and millimeter wave solutions, which has a large installed base of point to multipoint systems all over the world today.
This partnership covers the development and early access to 5G millimeter wave (mmWave) RF components, where the highly-integrated RF solution from Sivers IMA will be a key component in this company’s plans to extend its existing portfolio.
“I am excited to announce an agreement for our 5G products with yet another leading product company for our 5G products. The company has been instrumental in delivering powerful mmWave coonectivity solutions throughout the world and boasts many of the top tier operators as customers. As a complement to the earlier announced partnerships, this will be a close co-operation with a company that has been an active and driving source in the point-to-multipoint market for micro- and millimeterwave for a long time. Our products does not only give our partner a leading edge, we will also learn a lot from their expertise in turn-key system solutions”, says Anders Storm, CEO of Sivers IMA.
System studies and early development activities have started and the first initial deliveries of components from Sivers IMA, to be used in prototypes and proof of concept activities, will start during the fourth quarter this year.
The number of 5G subscriptions is forecasted to reach 1 billion by the end of 2023 1and mmWave is a key technology in 5G networks that will be used for backhaul, fronthaul, small cells and fixed wireless access applications. The rollout of 5G networks is expected to accelerate from 20201and cover more than 20 % of the world’s population by 20231.
For more information:
Anders Storm, CEO
Tel: +46 70 262 6390
E-mail: [email protected]
Erik Penser Bank is appointed Sivers IMA Holding AB’s Certified Advisor at Nasdaq First North.
Telefon: +46 8 463 80 00
1According to Ericsson Mobility Report:
Sivers IMA Holding ABis a leading and internationally renowned supplier, publicly traded under SIVE at Nasdaq First North Stockholm. The wholly owned subsidiaries Sivers IMAand CST Globaldevelop, manufacture and sell cutting-edge chips, components, modules and subsystems based on proprietary advanced semiconductor technology in microwave, millimeter wave and optical semiconductors. Headquarters in Stockholm, Sweden. Learn more at