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Sivers Semiconductors’ Group CEO, Anders Storm, has been announced winner among Nasdaq First North Growth Market “Top Stock Exchange CEOs on Twitter 2021”.

This is the eighth year in a row that the IR and communications agency Box Communications is surveying the companies listed on the Swedish stock exchange and their CEOs’ activities on Twitter. The total number of Stock Exchange CEO’s with a Twitter account is 158. The majority of them are on Nasdaq First North Growth Market, where Sivers Semiconductors is listed.

“It is our conviction that sooner or later digital leadership will be a strategically important success factor, not just for the individual but for the whole organization,” says Mikael Zillén, Founder & Senior Advisor at Box Communications in the announcement.

“Twitter is a very good tool to create a more continuous information flow in addition to regulatory press releases and other information. The keywords here are continuous information flow, and that’s where the company’s CEO can play an important role.”

Read the announcement from Box Communications (in Swedish):

Read the interview:

Follow Anders on Twitter: (@StormSivers)
Sivers Semiconductors (@SiversSemicond):