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Fourth quarter 2019 Revenues amounted to SEK 25 362 thousand (20 425), an increase of 24 percent Profit before depreciations and amortizations (EBITDA) amounted to SEK -19 877 thousand (-16 050) Result amounted to SEK -22 784 thousand (-16 904) Earnings per share amounted to SEK -0,17 (-0,14) Equity per share amounted to SEK 2,19 (2,30) January–December 2019 Revenues amounted to SEK 96 355 (71 485) thousand, an increase of 35 percent Result before depreciations and amortizations (EBITDA) amounted to SEK -48 322 thousand (-52 589) Result amounted to SEK -75 661 thousand (-71 880) Earnings per share amounted to SEK -0,60 (-0,63) Equity per share amounted to SEK 2,19 (2,30)  

Significant events during the fourth quarter:

  • On October 21, NXP and Sivers IMA AB announced a collaboration to deliver a first-class solution for 5G-NR applications
  • On November 14, Sivers IMA AB announced its RFIC is fully compatible with IDT’s newest RWM6051 RapidWave millimeter wave modem to be used in 5G Customer Premise Equipment (CPE) for fixed wireless networks.
  • Sivers IMA AB has signed an agreement with its partner Blu Wireless Technology Ltd (Blu Wireless) for the delivery of radio modules for unlicensed mmWave 5G wireless communication markets such as FWA (Fixed Wireless Access) and track-to-train. First deployments of Blu Wireless’ track-to-train solution are planned during the first quarter of 2020.

Significant events following the period:

  • Sivers IMA Group’s business area ”Fiber” has changed name to ”Photonics”, to reflect strong demand and rising opportunities in new market verticals.
  • On January 30, Wireless announced 4 new design wins with Tier 3 customers.
  • On February 13, Wireless announced that they have signed an agreement with Cambium Networks, a leading global provider of wireless networking solutions, to provide 5G radio frequency chipsets for Cambium’s roll-out of 5G wireless broadband.

 Key Figures:

SEK thousand 2019
2018 Jan-Dec
Revenue 25 362 20 425 96 355 71 485
EBITDA -19 877 -16 050 -48 322 -52 589
Profit for the period -22 784 -16 904 -75 661 -71 880
Earnings per share before and after dilution, SEK -0,17 -0,14 -0,60 -0,63
Equity per share, SEK 2,19 2,30 2,19 2,30








A web-based presentation of the Interim Report will be held at 10:00am Friday, February 14, 2020.

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CEO Statement

A quarter of hard work and many customer meetings.

Sales in the fourth quarter increased by about 24 percent compared to last year. However, during the quarter we had a delivery delay on parts of an order to our Fortune 100 customer of approximately SEK 5 million that will be delivered in early 2020. In total, we have received orders worth SEK 50 million from this customer since October 2018.

The transition from accounting standard K3 can appear to make the comparative figures difficult to interpret. For clarifications, I therefore refer to Appendix 1 of this report, where changes between the accounting standards are clarified.

By zooming out and looking at the company’s growth over the past four years, I believe we get an interesting picture of our journey so far. Since 2016, net sales have increased from SEK 18 million to SEK 96 million in 2019.  For the full year 2019, sales growth was 35 percent. The most important step in 2019 was to move from offering promising technology solutions to being part of customers’ functioning products. We have previously announced that we have sold more than 35 test systems for 5G, and as of now, we have sixteen design-in agreements. When these go into volume production it will make material impact on our sales.

The capital we raised in the new share issue in June has been used, among other things, to strengthen our sales organization within 5G / Wireless to handle the great interest from new customers. As a result, in November we could announce an important supply agreement with our partner and subsequent customer, Blu Wireless. The agreement is for equipment to a track-to-train solution for high-speed trains to be delivered in the first quarter of 2020. In January, we could also announce four new design-wins as a result of our intensified efforts.

An important driver of sales growth within 5G is our strong partner network, and during the quarter, we entered into a new significant partnership with NXP, one of the world’s largest communications solutions enterprises. Among other things, NXP is very strong in licensed 5G, with products that integrate excellently with our chips. The fact that large global companies choose to cooperate with us is a strong confirmation of the high technical level we hold and the outstanding quality we deliver.

During the past year, CST Global has had strong demand not only in the traditional optical fiber market but also from new and significant vertical markets in optical sensing.

As a result, in January we announced that we have renamed our business area Fiber to Photonics. Among other things, optical sensors are used in biometrics, safety, metrology and LiDAR, which for example is used in driverless cars. We are really looking forward to telling you more about this in the future. In these new verticals, we have many interesting potential customers who want to work with us.

My optimism about the future remains very strong. The positive development in the market for old and new verticals within 5G and Photonics will continue to deliver good growth and, not least, the positive development we see with our Fortune-100 customer, means that I have good hope for 2020. Most of it indicates that 2020 will be the year 5G and Photonics get a wider spread and our customers’ customers start demanding larger volumes. Our very competitive products and our strong global network make us well equipped to take advantage of the strong demand in the market and I look forward to 2020 with excitement.

Anders Storm, CEO of Sivers IMA Group

For more information, please contact:

Anders Storm, CEO
Phone: +46 70 262 6390
[email protected]

Erik Penser Bank is appointed Sivers IMA Holding AB’s Certified Advisor at Nasdaq First North Growth Market.

Phone: +46 8 463 80 00

e-mail: [email protected] 

This is information that Sivers IMA Holding AB is obliged to make public pursuant to the EU Market Abuse Regulation. The information was submitted for publication, through the agency of the contact person set out above, at 08:00 am CET on February 14, 2020.

Sivers IMA Holding AB is a leading and internationally renowned supplier, publicly traded under SIVE at Nasdaq First North Growth Market Stockholm. The wholly owned subsidiaries Sivers IMA and CST Global develop, manufacture and sell cutting-edge chips, components, modules and subsystems based on proprietary advanced semiconductor technology in microwave, millimeter wave and optical semiconductors. Headquarters are in Stockholm, Sweden. Learn more at


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