Sivers Wireless Management Team

Harish Krishnaswamy
Managing Director (MD) Sivers Wireless
Education: B.Tech. degree in electrical engineering from IIT Madras, Chennai, India, in 2001, and the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering from the University of Southern California (USC), Los Angeles, CA, USA, in 2003 and 2009, respectively.
Employed since: October 2022.
Experience: In 2009, he joined the Electrical Engineering Department, Columbia University, New York, NY, USA, as a professor and the Director of the Columbia High-Speed and Millimeter-Wave IC Laboratory (CoSMIC). In 2017, he co-founded MixComm Inc., which was acquired by Sivers Semiconductors in February 2022. He has received numerous awards in both academic and industrial settings.
Residency: USA
Shareholding: N/A
Options: N/A

Arun Natarajan
CTO and Head of US Division Unit (DU)
Education: B.Tech. degree in electrical engineering from IIT Madras, Chennai, India; M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering from the California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA, USA.
Employed since: February 2022.
Experience: Previously he was a Research Staff Member with the IBM T. J. Watson Research Center. In 2012, he joined Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR, USA where he is a Professor in the School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science. In May 2019, Dr. Natarajan joined Mixcomm Inc. as VP of RF Technology. Mixcomm was acquired by Sivers Semiconductors in February 2022. Dr. Natarajan is widely recognized as one of the pioneers of silicon-based millimeter-wave circuits and systems and has been recognized with multiple awards throughout his career.
Residency: USA
Shareholding: 1,725, 888
Options: 0

Erik Öjefors
Chief Technical Officer (CTO)
Education: Ph.D. degree in monolithic mmWave antenna technology at Uppsala University.
Employed since: October 2011.
Experience: Erik joined Sivers Semiconductors (previous Sivers IMA) in October 2011 as a senior mmWave RFIC engineer and was appointed CTO in October 2020. He has pursued a career in mmWave and terahertz RFIC research at several European universities and smaller companies.
Residency: Sweden
Shareholding: 10,000
Options: 490,000

Magnus Sneitz
Manager Division Unit (DU) Sweden & Manager Project Management DU Sweden
Education: Education
Employed since: February 2017.
Experience: Magnus joined Sivers Semiconductors ( previous Sivers IMA) in February 2017, first as Senior Project Manager and was appointed to PMO November 2020. Over 20 years of experience in various managing positions within product development and sales of wireless, IOT and software solutions; broad experience working in start-up and larger companies within silicon, IOT and defense industry.
Residency: Sweden
Shareholding: 4,000
Options: 350,000
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